Police Hunting For Man Who Murdered Grandma Of 63 Years Over These Nasty Reasons.
Police launch manhunt For Man Who Killed Granny Photo file Naiexpose.co.ke |
The 24-year-old suspect, identified as Willis Oguma, a boda boda rider from Maraba village, allegedly murdered Syprose Oywa for trying to save her son, David Ochieng'. Confirming the incident on Monday, January 8, Nyakach Sub-County Deputy OCPD, Silas Andiema, said Oguma escaped on a motorbike after committing the said crime.
Trouble started when Oguma, together with his brother and father, stormed Oywa's home demanding to see Ochieng' following an altercation over fence separating their homes. When Ochieng' refused to come out of the house, the three angry men, who happened to be Oywa's neighbors, broke into the house through glass door and attacked Ochieng'.
The granny is said to have met her death when she tried to shield her son from the three invaders who came armed with crude weapons and ready for war. Commenting on the incident, area Assistant Chief Jacob Onditi said the two neighbors had a long history of quarreling over fence and livestocks.
Oguma's family accused Oywa's family of deliberately allowing their livestock to cross over the fence and destroy their vegetable. Previous attempts to settle the dispute between these two families clearly failed to work. Men abused vs Women abused: social experiment